About Remote Labs

What is Sathyabama Remote Lab?

Engineering is more about hands-on experimentation than about theory. In the present scenario, engineering educators are faced with a unique challenge – delivering high quality education without compromise, even when the students are unable to be physically present at the campus. Sathyabama Remote Lab enables the students to access real hardware and perform experiments from their homes.

Why Sathyabama Remote Lab?

In an attempt to provide practical learning, educators are trying out approaches like video demos, virtual labs (simulations) etc. But how will a student gain practical knowledge and the confidence to work with real circuits without performing real experiments? This is why we are using remote labs, which are real labs with real hardware that can be accessed and controlled over the internet.

The students and faculty members can access real circuits in the lab, manipulate the inputs to the circuit and obtain the actual readings from those circuits – all while looking at live video feeds of the circuits!

Unique Features

  • All experiments will be accessible from anywhere in the world

  • Students can view, control and take readings from actual circuits in the lab

  • Remote Labs can be available 24x7

  • Automatic result submission



  • Students’ login into the Remote Lab website using their username and password

  • They can go through the experiment manual

  • They can implement the circuits on Multisim and simulated breadboard

  • They can control real circuits through hardware and acquire results while watching the circuits on live video streams

  • Results are submitted to the server for evaluation

  • Faculty members can login using their login credentials and evaluate the reports submitted by students

Sathyabama Remote Lab Flow

  1. Circuit Simulation using Multisim

  2. Breadboard simulation (3D View)

  3. Remote access of Real Hardware

An Initiative by

In Collaboration With

Download Remote Lab Brochure

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